red lights

Tori Tears Down the Walls

Marcus Amphitheater
Sept. 15, 1999

Tori Amos

Story and Photo by Phil Bonyata

Tori Amos' legions of rabid fans showed up en masse last night at The Marcus Amphitheater in Milwaukee to see and hear their pop iconoclast in the flesh.
Tori dressed in a loose fitting dress and fire flowing red locks straddled her piano like a first reunion with a long lost lover. Beating the ivories with an abandon not seen since Jerry Lee Lewis in the '50s, Tori melded her body with the piano creating one gorgeous musical instrument. Amos spat out "Caught a Lite Sneeze" from the 1996 album Boys For Pele with such fire, rage and passion you couldn't help but get sucked into her sonic inferno.
Wild and intently introspective on "Blood Roses" Tori broke free from her personal demons and charged into "Hey Jupiter."
Whew, this original and passionate woman can rock so hard and so personal that you actually feel drained after one of her performances. Only question left is where will this woman take us next?

Tori Amos

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